Friday, March 8, 2013




familyThere was a photo that I posted on my Facebook page that many people have responded to. This photo puts me into tears every time I look at it.

Let’s face it, men are hard coded to not show emotions or stress levels. There is stress that a man, husband, father, etc. goes through that not many people know about. No one knows because we don’t talk about it. From paying the bills to parenting in general a man is always concerned about something. Over the last few moths I have been talking to my wife about what is bothering me. She really understands and listens to me. One day she thanked me for being so open with her.

Now it’s FRIDAY!!!

Let’s recap on some of the crazy things I have said this week that people would not normally say.

-Brooklyn… Stop licking my elbow…

-Daddy’s going to have some boobie…

-No sweetie, we can not go into the pond…

-I’m going to color and play with blocks…

-You’re kind of smelly…

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


There are many things in life that annoy the crap out of me and the family seems to know what these things are and grind in every day.

Water in the bathroom floor is the most painful thing to me. I would rather walk across broken glass than on water in the floor. I would have to admit that if the footprints are cute, but adult "puddles" are NOT allowed. There are countless times I have shown Virginia how to properly put down a towel.(She loves that)

I know, I'm horrible, but I feel like telling little old ladies to hurry up when they are in front of line at the store and watch every single item being scanned to make sure it's the right price, then start digging in their gigantic purse for the checkbook after all is done. Get your act together ladies, so the rest of don't have to stand there waiting for 5 minutes as you try to find and write a check.

Smacking while chewing... I want to punch you in the face when I hear that. Close your mouth and stop growling... It's not that good.

I'm sure there are things I do that people hate, but all you have to do is say something and I will stop. Except for the laundry. I have a habit to start laundry, dry it, take it out, then leave it in a pile. Virginia loves that.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sore to a Whole New Level

As I posted, we did our first 5k run/walk. I ran about 95% of it and let's be honest, I haven't ran long distance in about 6 years. The most I have ran since then is around the bases on the local church league softball team. I am very proud of myself and Virginia for finishing the run/walk and we both did a great job.
Now, I knew I was in trouble when we got home and got Brooklyn down for a nap and I caught myself telling Brooklyn "you're going to go for a nap, then Daddy is going to put some sports on and nap himself." When I woke from this said nap, my leg muscles were really tight. I knew I was in trouble here and I was going to really hurt the next day. Let me tell you that I woke up this morning and it hurts, BAD!!! Drinking water and stretching was been working, but that's the price I pay. I great man (Dad) once told me "you gotta pay to play" and he was right.
So the things that I have learned this week are:
running a 5k with little training can be rewarding (proud of myself) and painful.
toddlers can say the craziest things (post for another day)
Virginia is the greatest woman in the world (as she should be in my world)
I love the morning time I get with Brooklyn.

On another note, Eden would have been 3 months old last week. For those of you that don't know, our little angel, Eden, was born in November with a fatal birth defect, but she blessed us with a few hours of her life that I will never forget. I think about her every day and still have some hard times with missing her and having to give her to heaven. You can see our story here.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Out of Context

First things first, we are a different kind of family. We are a natural living "crunchy" family. We cloth diaper, eat organic, gluten free, our toddler still nurses and Virginia pumps and donates her milk. Some of the things I hear around the house would crack up a "normal" person or possibly offend them. I'm going to give a small warning before I explain some of the things that are said around our house.
If you are offended by nudity, dirty words, or things being said that sounds like a toddler is going to get hurt then this post is not for you. that being said, no, we don't let Brooklyn operate heavy mechinery, or stick things in outlets, but she does have free reign of the rest of the house.
Now, here are the top things that I hear in the house that can or will be taken out of context and sound dirty and funny.
- Hey honey? Can you massage my boobs while pump so I can be hands free?
- Brooklyn! Stop touching my boobs!
Brooklyn: Boobies???
-Quick! Hold her down so I can squirt boobie milk in her eye!
Brooklyn had a touch of pinkeye...
That is just the surface, but I'm going to leave it at that.
On an ending note I saw a car beside the road the other day on the way home. As I got closer I saw a couple of men had stopped also and they were helping another man change a flat tire. This other man was not helping but he was in a business suit. These two men saw that another man was in trouble and was not wearing clothes that would get ruined if he changed the tire by himself. Also, there was an older women (70's) walking, or well, attempting to walk on an icey sidewalk, and when I drove by she had fallen and there was a man helping her. I stopped and heard the man ask the lady if she wanted a ride home. She said that was trying to get to the store. The man said "I will take you, then bring you home." The woman agreed. These random acts of kindness have really effected me. I watch how everyone acts around the world and there has been a change over the last year or so. People are more kind to each other. I am glad to see that there are less selfish people out there.
This morning, we ran our first 5k together. I'm proud to say that we made it! Even though it was 25 degrees outside and snowing.